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Total Funds Under ROSBANK MCManagement Grew 3.3Times and Reached RUR 10bln.

As ofDecember 2005, RUR 5.7bln. were under personal asset management; RUR 1.1bln. ofpension funds were transferred from the Pension Fund ofthe Russian Federation toROSBANK Managing Company (ROSBANK MC). Pension assets (reserves and pension funds ofnon-governmental pension fund under ROSBANK MCmanagement) amounted toRUR 2.4bln. in2005compared toRUR 1bln. asof December 31, 2004.

Total funds inUnit Investment Trusts (UIT) ofthe managing company reached RUR 743mln., compared toRUR 530mln. in2004.

The return ofthe Garant open-end mixed fund UIT made up78.52% in2005, showing best result among mixed fund UITs in2005.

The return ofthe Sapphire open-end bond UIT reached 15.4% in2005.

The number ofsharers ofthe ROSBANK MCopen-end UITs grew 17times in2005. Number ofterminals grew from 32to118. The company provides its services in68cities ofRussia.

Besides, ROSBANK MCwas among top 10winners ofthe tender for selection ofmanagement companies servicing the mortgage system for housing for the military servicemen, which took place inMoscow onDecember 27, 2005.