ROSBANK shareholders were informed ofthe results ofthe banks operations in2005, approved the Annual Report, the balance sheet asof January 1, 2006and the profit-and-loss report.
The shareholders meeting gave apositive opinion onthe results ofthe ROSBANKs activity in2005. Shareholders decided not topay out dividends for 2005and tochannel the retained profits into replenishment ofthe banks funds.
A new Board ofDirectors was approved:
Andrei Bougrov, Managing Director, Interros;
Georgui Zabolotsky, first Vice-president, Rosbank; Director General, Fincom- investments and management
Evgeny Ivanov, member ofthe Board; president, Polyus gold mining company;
Andrey Klishas, Director General, Chairman ofthe Board, Interros;
Martin Gilman, Professor, head ofCenter for Economic Policy, Moscow Higher School ofEconomics;
Allan Hirst, Member ofthe Board, non-executive director, NorthStar Corporate Finance
Viacheslav Fedorov, Chairman ofthe Board, Sotsialnoye Razvitiye Non-Governmental Pension Fund.
Mukhadin Eskindarov, Pro-Rector, Financial Academy under the Government ofthe Russian Federation
The Banks shareholders set the limit for compensation for expenses ofindependent members ofthe Board at$100,00ayear, including all compulsory payment inaccordance with the Russian legislation.
Deloitte & Touche CIS will audit ROSBANK financial statements for the 2006.