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The First Alpine Ski Enronmental Resort Will Appear inRussia

Roza Khutor company and Wild World Fund (WWF-Russia) will combine efforts todevelop environmental construction. WWF will consult Roza Khutor during construction period ofthe alpine ski environmental complex inKrasnaya Polyana community area ( Krasnodarsky Kray) which should become the first environmental ski resort inRussia.

The open joint stock company Roza Khutor and the Russian division ofWild World Fund (WWF) have concluded anagreement which stipulates cooperation inthe area ofsetting upthe first alpine environmental resort onthe territory ofRussia.

The concept ofenvironmental resort accepted byshareholders and Rosa Khutors management incooperation with WWF experts includes adherence toRussian environmental standards and norms bydevelopers, use ofecologically clean and certified building technologies, water and energy saving, introduction ofalternative sources ofenergy along with the conventional ones, installation ofequipment tosave water and energy, and organization ofnature-oriented events onthe premises ofthe Sochi National Park and also support ofecological tourism and educational projects inthe area ofecology.

WWF experts will consult Roza Khutor company onobservance ofwidely accepted environmental and nature-oriented norms and standards and will also render scientific and information support to Roza Khutors initiatives inthe area ofecological education and promotion ofecological tourism.

Nina Zagorulko, Roza Khutor General Director stated From the very beginning ofconstructing this resort wepresumed the principle ofsteadfast observance ofenvironmental legislation. The future success ofour resort, asany other one, depends not only onthe quality ofcourses but also onthe extent ofpreservation ofthe unique pristine nature ofSochi National Park. This led ustothe idea toconvert Roza Khutor into the first Russian alpine ski environmental resort. Wewould behappy ifwecould lead the fashion onthis issue.

Igor Chestin, Director WWF Russia noted : We have accepted with gratification Roza Khutors invitation toconsult inconstructing the first Russian alpine ski environmental resort. According toIgor Chestinn, there has been few cases inRussia, when the investor strives toconstruct the resort taking due account ofall possible environmental requirements. We would like tohope that Roza Khutors initiative will mark the beginning ofthe new approach toenvironmental issues bybig Russian business. Furthermore, Igor Chestin added that WWF plans toreconstruct its building inMoscow using ecologically clean materials and energy saving technologies and wewould behappy toshare with you our experience.