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Swiss legal system refused to investigate Mr Deripaska criminal complaints

Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office ordered it will not proceed to investigate Mr Deripaska additional complaints against Mr Potanin, Interros and Norilsk Nickel.

The above Order of the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office was issued several weeks after Swiss Federal Criminal Appeal Court confirmed another order of the Federal Prosecutor not to proceed with criminal investigation of Mr Deripaska complaint against Mr Potanin, his Interros and Norilsk Nickel.

Swiss legal system considered grounds of the complaints and ruled they were unsustainable. Having reviewed all complaints of Mr Deripaska Swiss Federal Prosecutor did not find enough evidence to start investigation.

Interros supports orders and decision of Swiss Federal Prosecutor Office and Swiss Federal Criminal appeal Court issued despite severe defamatory campaign in media.

During past several years Mr Deripaska and his Rusal filed about 20 claims in various courts in different jurisdictions against Mr Potanin, his Interros and Norilsk Nickel. Almost in all cases the claims were either dismissed or refused to be taken into trial. UK and Nevis courts went further and ruled that Rusal claims were «abuse of process».