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The “KOLLEKTSIA! CONTEMPORARY ART IN THE URSS AND RUSSIA 1950-2000. A MAJOR DONATION” exhibition opened at the Pompidou Center on September 13, 2016. A collection of Russian art of the second half of the20th century, unprecedented in scope, was initiated by and assembled with the active participation of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, and in close cooperation with philanthropists, art collectors, and artists. Under a joint project of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation and the Pompidou Center, the Center became the owner of one of the best collections of Russian and Soviet modern art for the period from 1950 to 2000.
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In 2011 Vladimir Potanin made a donation to the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts to celebrate the Center’s forty year anniversary. As a result of the collaboration between the Foundation and the Center with the support of the Embassy of the Russia to the US a reconstruction of the largest Lounge of the Center took place.
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The opening of the ‘Fostering Leadership’​ exhibition curated by the Vladimir Potanin Foundation provided a catalyst for dialogue on the way in which Foundations can effectively fund ‘culture’.
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The Russian International Olympic University (RIOU) today awarded its inaugural intake of students their Master of Sport Administration (MSA) qualifications after they all successfully completed the University's Olympic-focused 10-month program of study.
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Vladimir Potanin will provide financial support of 19 mln rub to eight Russian endowment foundations. It was announced June 2 at the Conference "Endowments: Pro et Contra” which took place in Moscow.
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