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Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office ordered it will not proceed to investigate Mr Deripaska additional complaints against Mr Potanin, Interros and Norilsk Nickel. The above Order of the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office was issued several weeks after Swiss Federal Criminal Appeal Court confirmed another order of the Federal Prosecutor not to proceed with criminal investigation of Mr Deripaska complaint against Mr Potanin, his Interros and Norilsk Nickel. Swiss legal system considered grounds of the complaints and ruled they were unsustainable. Having reviewed all complaints of Mr Deripaska Swiss Federal Prosecutor did not find enough evidence to start investigation. Interros supports orders and decision of Swiss Federal Prosecutor Office and Swiss Federal Criminal appeal Court issued despite severe defamatory campaign in media. During past several years Mr Deripaska and his Rusal filed about 20 claims in various courts in different jurisdictions against Mr Potanin, his Interros and Norilsk Nickel. Almost in all cases the claims were either dismissed or refused to be taken into trial. UK and Nevis courts went further and ruled that Rusal claims were «abuse of process».
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The Appelate chamber of Swiss Federal Criminal Court confirmed decision of Swiss Federal Prosecutor Office not to start investigation pursuant to the criminal complaint filed by Mr Oleg Deripaska against Mr Potanin, his Interros and Norilsk Nickel. Swiss legal system looked into claimant arguments and considered them unsustainable. Interros welcomes this decision. For the past several years Mr Deripaska and his RusAl filed approximately 20 claims in various forums against Interros and Norilsk Nickel. In almost all cases the claims were not supported or taken into examination. Some foreign courts even ruled that RusAl claims were abuse of legal process. Interros believes that Swiss Federal Criminal Court decision demonstrates once again that RusAl claims are baseless despite of unprecedented PR campaign which may have been seen as an attempt to affect Swiss legal system.
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Interros has taken the decision to branch out its Cinema Park chain, previously part of the Profmedia holding company, into an independent business. Representatives from Profmedia and Interros are to sit on the Board of Directors which will take care of the strategic management of the company.
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This is not the first time that Mr. Deripaska tries to discredit Vladimir Potanin, Interros company and Norilsk Nickel in courts of various jurisdictions. Every businessman is free to choose his own style of conducting business even up to a corporate blackmail and builds himself a reputation. We do regret that such businessmen put their own ambitions higher than reputation of Russian business and Russian Federation.
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The AGM of MMC Norilsk Nickel took place June 21st. Four Interros representatives were elected to the Board of Directors: Sergei Barbashev, Andrei Bougrov, Marianna Zakharova, Larissa Zelkova. The rest of the Interros votes were given to the independent directors B.Mills and E.N.Banda, recommended by ISS/Risk Metrics, who also were elected to the Board. On the first Board meeting Interros representatives supported the proposal of independent directors to elect A.Bourgov as Chairman of the Board. The unique professional experience and many years of Norilsk Board membership give reason to believe that under Mr.Bougrovs leadership the Board will concentrate on the Norilsk Nickel strategy.
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