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The Russian tokenization platform Atomyze, where Vladimir Potanin's Interros is one of the investors, received the operator status of an information system for managing digital financial assets (DFA) from the Central Bank. In accordance with the recently adopted law on DFA in Russia, the regulator granted the rights to issue and circulate DFA in exchange for Russian rubles, as well as to store DFA, maintain a register of holders and to support electronic accounts and channels for servicing DFA holders. More Topics Atomyze / Vladimir Potanin / Interros / DFA
Vladimir Potanin donated 500 million rubles ($6.7ml) aimed for creation of smart materials with pre-programmed properties. The project envisages establishment of a brand new Laboratory of Programmable Functional Materials, and will be carried out under the leadership of the Nobel laureate Konstantin Novoselov. More Topics Vladimir Potanin / Interros / Konstantin Novoselov / Tagir Aushev / Human Brain / Fundamental research / physics
Interros has not applied for the buyback of its Norilsk Nickel shares. As a result of the buyback, Interros share in Norilsk Nickel will increase, which is in line with our long-term strategy.
More Topics Interros / Norilsk Nickel / buyback
A Russian original medication called Polyoxidonium® by Petrovax, a pharmaceutical company affiliated to the Interros Group, has passed the first phase of an international clinical trial for its effectiveness and safety for COVID-19 treatment.
More Topics Petrovax Pharm
Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper compiled a social responsibility ranking of Russian billionaires and the corporations they lead. Vladimir Potanin is ranked at the top with a wide margin from everyone who actively joined the fight against the epidemic.
More Topics Vladimir Potanin