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Sergey Tyrtsev, First Deputy Minister for Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic; Zarina Doguzova, head of Rostourism; Vladimir Ilyukhin, Governor of the Kamchatka region; and Sergey Bachin, Chairman of the Board of the «Three Volcanoes Park», signed the strategic cooperation agreement at the Eastern Economic Forum in order to launch an investment project to create a world-class resort and accessible-to-all recreation infrastructure around the Mutnovsky, Vilyuchinsky and Gorely volcanoes of the Three Volcanoes Park.
More Topics "Three Volcanoes" Park
Vladimir Potanin spoke at the celebration marking the 20th anniversary of his Foundation. He outlined his vision for the future of the Foundation and explained what parameters he uses to evaluate its work. He believes that charitable work has to take into account feedback: social needs and demands.
More Topics Vladimir Potanin
Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov finished a series of deals terminating their mutual trust and released each other from mutual claims. Entities close to M. Prokhorov purchased all OPIN shares owned by V.Potanins entities.
More Topics OPIN
Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov reached an agreement on termination of a mutual trust. The trust agreement was inked by both parties on March 20, 2008 with the trust manager Andrey Klishas in order to manage mutual assets. Today, the parties signed a number of agreements which are to settle all issues related to the trusts assets as well as to free each party from mutual claims. The signed agreements also provide that business entities closed to M. Prokhorov are to purchase all OPIN shares owned by V.Potanins entities.
More Topics OPIN
Holding constituents Rambler Media and Afisha will be united within the framework of a single structure. The company will be built on the base of Rambler. The General Director of the joined company will be Nikolay Molibog, who previously held the post of General Director at Afisha. Dmitry Stepanov and Yekaterina Kruglova, until recently deputy general directors at Afisha, will take on the positions of Products Director and Managing Director, respectively.
More Topics ProfMedia