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Reconstruction of the cargo terminal will give the ability to handle up to 45 pallets at the same time (a pallet is an aluminum plate with cargo weighting up to 2,6 tons; it is used to transfer goods from one plane to another without reassembly) in compliance with all necessary conditions of paperwork support. As a result cargo turnover of the terminal will reach 60-80 thousand tons annually. In case of increase of traffic flow, for example because of implementation of the “Open sky for cargo” project,  additional modernization will allow to handle up to 200 transfer pallets at the same time.
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Military transport aircraft An-124 «Ruslan», owned by Volga-Dnepr air carrier, has landed in the height of the holiday as it was a part of the celebration. Flight was carried out from Vladivostok with intermediate stop in Khabarovsk for refueling. Delivery of the equipment - a compressor priced at more than 8 million dollars - for Achinsk oil refinery is a part of modernization program of the refinery.
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Holding company Interros establishes a LLC Managing Company Interport to consolidate and manage its transportation and logistics assets as well as to develop a new freight airport infrastructure.
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Holding constituents Rambler Media and Afisha will be united within the framework of a single structure. The company will be built on the base of Rambler. The General Director of the joined company will be Nikolay Molibog, who previously held the post of General Director at Afisha. Dmitry Stepanov and Yekaterina Kruglova, until recently deputy general directors at Afisha, will take on the positions of Products Director and Managing Director, respectively.
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ProfMedia Finance closed the books for the debut ruble bond issue on July 20. The issue is guaranteed by the parent company ProfMedia Limited. Nominal value of the issued bonds is RUB 3bln, maturity is 5 years (put option in 3 years). Semiannual coupon was set at 10.5% pa till put. Standard&Poors assigned a preliminary rating B+ to this issue. The issue was arranged by ZAO Raiffeisenbank and ZAO KB Citibank.
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