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The Russian tokenization platform Atomyze, where Vladimir Potanin's Interros is one of the investors, received the operator status of an information system for managing digital financial assets (DFA) from the Central Bank. In accordance with the recently adopted law on DFA in Russia, the regulator granted the rights to issue and circulate DFA in exchange for Russian rubles, as well as to store DFA, maintain a register of holders and to support electronic accounts and channels for servicing DFA holders. More Topics Atomyze / Vladimir Potanin / Interros / DFA
Vladimir Potanin donated 500 million rubles ($6.7ml) aimed for creation of smart materials with pre-programmed properties. The project envisages establishment of a brand new Laboratory of Programmable Functional Materials, and will be carried out under the leadership of the Nobel laureate Konstantin Novoselov. More Topics Vladimir Potanin / Interros / Konstantin Novoselov / Tagir Aushev / Human Brain / Fundamental research / physics
The Three Volcanoes Park LLC  will build a world-class tourism cluster in the area of Vilyuchinsky, Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanoes, with access to Vilyuchinsky Bay.
More Topics "Three Volcanoes" Park
Sergey Tyrtsev, First Deputy Minister for Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic; Zarina Doguzova, head of Rostourism; Vladimir Ilyukhin, Governor of the Kamchatka region; and Sergey Bachin, Chairman of the Board of the «Three Volcanoes Park», signed the strategic cooperation agreement at the Eastern Economic Forum in order to launch an investment project to create a world-class resort and accessible-to-all recreation infrastructure around the Mutnovsky, Vilyuchinsky and Gorely volcanoes of the Three Volcanoes Park.
More Topics "Three Volcanoes" Park
Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov finished a series of deals terminating their mutual trust and released each other from mutual claims. Entities close to M. Prokhorov purchased all OPIN shares owned by V.Potanins entities.
More Topics OPIN